We are AWAKE, a conscious life sciences company:
A UNIQUE multidisciplinary team of consciously aligned industry leaders in unprecedented collaborative collective to revolutionize and simplify the way we view and address health, wellness and human performance.
AWAKE LIFE SCIENCES is dedicated to advancing religion and spirituality by promoting consciousness and enlightenment in Canada and internationally. We provide teachings, resources, and initiatives aimed at awakening and expanding human potential. Our work is geared towards vulnerable groups, youth, Indigenous communities and any individual seeking to alleviate suffering in any form, and looking to understand, raise and evolve human consciousness.
We do this by embracing the truth and wisdom of the world’s greatest enlightened teachers and traditions across all backgrounds, striving for a world where love, peace, unity and understanding prevail.
Your inner purpose is to n. It is as simple as that.
You share that purpose with every other person on the planet – because it is the purpose of humanity.
Eckhart Tolle
IN contrast to a world where we are conditioned to seek health, mental clarity, happiness and peace externally we at AWAKE focus on the source- we go WITHIN.
Rooted in scientific research and data our models focus on CURING the root CAUSE not simply masking symptoms like most external “treatment” models.
Our straight forward, simple and practical programmes help identify the root of suffering, illness, malalignment or underperformance and awaken clear paths to removing obstacles and help you live to your fullest potential. We combine the most pivotal counselling, coaching and personal development approaches together with mainstream, alternative and psychedelic therapy to bring the best of all worlds right to you.
We combine the most pivotal counselling, coaching and personal development approaches together with mainstream, alternative and psychedelic therapy to bring the best of all worlds right to you.
Our philosophy is based on ancient therapeutic restorative principles with alignment and belief that health, wellness and well-being all come from a LIFE IN BALANCE.
AWAKE provides a curated menu of specialised sessions, courses, talks and retreats along with expertly trained facilitators and therapists who are mindfully aligned in their approach to healing and wellBEING. Sessions and support are available in person, or electronically at your fingertips wherever you go. This allows you to take your own personal coach, counsellor, health expert as support with you wherever you go by video or simply linking your phone, laptop or computer anywhere you may venture.
Our Client data analysis reveals the lasting effects of our programs.
88% of our clients record a persisting decrease in GAD score beyond six months post therapy..
Available Now98% of our clients record immediate and sustained recontextualization of major traumatic events clinically addressed.
Available Now100% of our clients report a positive experience superior to ALL past therapeutic encounters.
Available Now80% of our clients show improvement in symptoms and behaviour patterns within the first two therapy sessions.
Available Now99% of our athletes and veterans report significant and very large reductions in cognitive symptoms, suicidal ideation and TBI related symptomology.
Available NowOur clients report a memory performance increase of 53% at the end of a 30 day monitoring period in comparison to the placebo group.
Available NowOur clients have rated their experience as one of the top five personally meaningful (89%), Spiritually significant (98%), and psychologically insightful (100%) experiences of their lives.
Available NowOver 88% of our clients document an increase in physical strength, agility and improvement in chronic physical conditions within the first month.
Available NowOur private and Group Therapy sessions derive their structure based on core principles of ancient “Satsang sittings”
SATSANG: sat meaning “true” and sangha meaning community, company or association. translated as “associating with seekers of truth”, or simply “being in the company of truth.”
At AWAKE, while we highlight the importance of walking one’s OWN path, we also honour the role of community, brotherhood and support in growth and by definition the act of gathering with like-minded, uplifting people, especially those on a conscious and “aligned” life path. We provide single private as well as longer immersive group experiences.
Our “INpower” therapeutic sessions, retreats and courses; with our proprietary, evidence-based methods and protocols are designed with approaches and tools to assist one to identify, examine and transcend self limiting beliefs, symptoms, health conditions and experiences.
By combining counselling, coaching and personal development best practices and approaches while rooting our primary focus on states of consciousness we provide a novel one of a kind therapeutic advantage and unprecedented practical simplicity
Stay updated with the latest news, research, advances and insights on health wellness and human performance, explored in depth by our in house and advisory team of experts.
By teaming with top researchers and experts we remain committed to the collection and analysis of data as a fundamental tool that drives our protocols, outcomes and strategic planning and unprecedented impact and success.
Years of experience
Of lives transformed
Report unprecedented positive experiences incomparable and far superior to ALL past therapeutic experiences
Return for additional sessions, course, talks and retreats
Recommend AWAKE to their colleagues, family and friends
Or more have never been “AWAKE” before or been aware of consciousness